Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tanzania - Zanzibar / Nungwe

Awake this morning to enjoy another relaxing day on Zanzibar. We had no real plans for today except maybe go for a walk along the beach, go for a swim, and take in some sun.
We started with a walk along the beach up towards the light house that we reached yesterday. The tide was out so we walked the entire way along the beach and around the rocks. We went beyond the light house and stopped for while to rest and take in the sights, and life along the beach. There were lots of locals out gathering something, fish or more likely clams, we never got close enough to see.
After another coffee at the same cafe as yesterday we had lunch and then went for a swim. Whilst we were swimming we noticed some billowing smoke rising into the air and swam out deeper to get a better view. One of the hotels further up the coast was well alight. Thankfully the fire was controlled before the neighbouring thatched roof hotels also went up in flames, and thankfully no one was injured.
Pool, cards, and a beer saw the afternoon through. This was followed by another lovely meal overlooking the crystal blue water and pink and orange sunset.... and we also saw the first glimpse of the new moon which was very exciting as this means the end of Ramadan... which means shops should be open and we can eat in public without feeling bad!

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