Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kenya - Nairobi

We woke this morning a very restful nights sleep in our hotel room and enjoyed not having to get up and pack a tent up. We put our filthy clothes from the Serengeti in to soak in the bath tub and wandered down to breakfast. Breakfast was an awesome array of food to suit all tastes.
After breaky we finished off the washing, called home, and relaxed. We wandered into the city around 1pm with Trent and Marieka to explore the Masai Market and the inner city of Nairobi.
We got back to hotel just in time to go to our 3rd and final meeting (for Africa, anyway) to meet our new crew and tour group. The group again consists of mostly Australians, still one German (continuing from our last trip), one English, and 3 Kiwi’s. Thankfully the new group all seem like a great bunch.

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