Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Zambia - Livingstone

Today we went White Water Rafting on the Zambezi River. It was so much fun! 
The Zambezi contains rapids of grade 2-5 but because of the high water the Grade 5’s were closed so our trip was mainly made up of grade’s 3’s & 4’s. We were on the water for over 2h and went from Rapid number 11 - 25. We deliberately flipped the boat at our first grade 3, Rapid 12A, and Brii managed to lose her grip on the boat so went for a swim down 12B by herself and 12C on the front of the rescue Kayak... she had a ball! We all had only just got our selves back into the boat before we hit Rapid 13 which was a grade 4... lucky! After this swim we were all pretty happy to try not to flip the boat and managed to stay upright, we did jump out a couple of times for a swim through some ungraded, unnumbered rapids. All in all, we had a blast... a great day!!

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