Our group of 23 (mostly Aussies with an added couple of Kiwi’s, a couple of Irish, one German, and one Canadian) rose early this morning to pack the truck and then we went on a township tour. During the Apartheid all the population were segregated into racial groups. The non white people were relocated from the areas they were living into townships which were all at least 20km out of town. The township we visited was Langa. We were fortunate to have guides who were locals from the township - “born, bread, and buttered” as they said. During the tour we tried some locally brewed beer (made from corn and wheat) and visited the various styles of housing, some of which reminded Brii of the Indigenous communities in the Cape. There were also sections of the township which were shanty like which were quite interesting. We were also able to visit the local Kindergarten which is funded entirely by donations and parents fees. The really lovely thing was that everyone was really happy, welcoming, and the kids were extremely cute!
After the township tour we boarded our ‘truck’ with our crew Innocent (Guide), Irvine (Ivan) (Cook), and Thinkwell (Driver) bound for a winery on the West coast of South Africa.
The scenery was very much like home - we felt like we could have been driving through any part of northern Australia.
We arrived at our beautiful first campsite at the winery - it was lovely. After erecting our tents we did some wine tasting... of course! And the wines were delicious! What a great first day!
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