Friday, October 8, 2010

Chile - Santiago

We walked to and then took the funicular up San Cristobal Hill this morning. On our way we passed through Bella Vista which is a funky artistic district full of cafe’s and bars as well as a cool artisan market. 
San Cristobal Hill is a landmark within the city and provides a beautiful panoramic view over Santiago. It is characterised by a statue of the Virgin Mary at its peak and has some beautiful gardens and picnic areas to enjoy. We made our way down the hill on foot which took a while as the maps were not all that clear :-).
After making our way down we explored the more residential area of Santiago we had ended up in. We then stumbled upon a fabulous Sushi restaurant where we enjoyed lunch... not very Chilean but delicious! On our way back to our hotel we discovered a great little artisan’s market where we spent a little time. The walk back also allowed us to see some of the beautiful parks that are scattered throughout central Santiago.

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